Mind-Body Resilience

Trauma-informed skills for healing the nervous system

For Adults (19+)

Tuesday, May 28th 2:00-4pm PST / 5:00-7pm EST

Join us for our fourth by-donation skill-building session!

Each session is limited to 12 spots, so we encourage those interested to register early.


March 18th: The Window of Tolerance and Self-Soothing

April 8th: Supports and Resources

May 6th: Self- and Community Care

May 28th: The Calm/Healing Place

About The Group

This series of workshops will introduce you to skills and resources to help manage distressing thoughts, feelings, body responses, and urges. This will help you build nervous system resilience and strengthen your internal sense of safety. Sessions will be a combination of education and practical exercises to help you feel a sense of relief in the moment. Topics include: the Window of Tolerance and Self-Soothing, Supports and Resources, and Self- and Community care.

Session 1:

Monday, March 18 th from 2 – 4 pm PDT

The Window of Tolerance and Self-Soothing

In this session, we will learn what happens to our nervous system when we experience stressful or traumatic events. We will look at a model called the Window of Tolerance, which helps explain what is happening, and why. We will then learn techniques to self-soothe (helping our nervous system get back to a calm, regulated state), and we’ll have the opportunity to practice some of these techniques during the session.

Session 2:

Monday, April 8 th from 2 – 4 pm PDT

Supports and Resources

We will look at the role of social support in healing from trauma and improving mental health, including the different types of support that are needed. We will talk about how to strengthen some areas of support if necessary. We will also explore external and internal resources that support our wellbeing, and how to increase our access to these resources.

Session 3:

Monday, May 6 th from 2 – 4 pm PDT

Self- and Community Care

We will look at what self-care is and disrupt traditional ideas about what it can look like/include. We will explore barriers to self-care, and creative ways to decrease or work around those barriers. We’ll also discuss the importance of community care and mutual aid, and generate ideas about how we can work together to hold each other up.

Session 4:

Tuesday, May 28 th from 2 – 4 pm PDT

The Calm/Healing Place

In this workshop, we will be introducing (or strengthening, if you’re already familiar with it) the resource of Calm Place. Also known as the Safe or Healing Place, this is one of the foundational resources that prepares folks for EMDR. The Calm Place can also be somewhere you retreat to when you’re in distress, or when you need a peaceful environment to work on your healing journey by yourself.
We will be exploring both real and imaginary Calm Places, and will have the opportunity to do a visualization and a creative activity, to strengthen this resource in your mind’s eye. Even if you’ve already created a Calm Place, come join us! You might find that you strengthen your relationship with your existing place, or you may come up with something new.

Suggested Donations


This by-donation series is a fundraiser for our Community Access Fund. The Fund offsets counselling fees to help members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community access counselling services at a reduced rate or completely free.

Refund policy: as this is a by-donation fundraiser event, we will be unable to offer refunds for this workshop series.

Meet the facilitators

Shadi K.

M. Ed, CCC (they/them)

Rachel Newby

Counselling Intern (she/they)